Saturday, November 15, 2014

Consultation Psychology

Consultants, specifically organizational consultants are specialist that aid in organizations to become more productive, efficient, cope with downsizing, time management, organizational changes, team development, and other process to survive through with situation changes or problems. The process of organizational consulting can address the overall operations of the organization or focus on specific aspects (Mann, 2012). Performance of a consultant role in most cases requires a mastery set of knowledge and proficiency of specific skills, however many consultants acquire distinct and varied set of skills that are particular within organizational settings. 
This document will provide an in-depth evaluation of consulting and assess professional competencies in reference to the case study that focuses on an organizations need to introduce a new set of processes within the Marketing department. The case study emphasizes the need for a smooth transition into the new processes while encouraging a more co-operative, self -managing, and resilient department. Including in this document is an overview of the case study, a description of consulting theories and basis in evidence that identify and describe the implementation phase of consultation, psychological underpinnings, and compare and contrast of theories based on their usefulness and basis in evidence. Also included is a synthesis of key concepts and best aspects of methods according to theory and an in-depth evaluation of the consulting process that comprise a compare and contrast of the strengths and weaknesses of each approach to evaluation.
Consultation Psychology
Case Study
The case study focus was on team development through introduction of new procedures, product launches, and training plans. The organization Danone team of customer service advisors within the Marketing department was to go through considerable changes within the organization (FreshTracks, n.d.). The Marketing team is made up of parents and healthcare professionals that support baby food products within the organization. The organization wanted the process to go smoothly and help the department deal with the changes in a positive and pro -active way. Danone wanted to encourage a more co-operative, self -managing, and resilient unit (FreshTracks, n.d.).
The case studies focus on the consultant and client ability to efficiently and smoothly transition a department through various new processes. The consultant is responsible for acquiring information through consultation processes that would aid in the transition of the department and acquire any helpful insight from the client. The insights acquired during the consultation processes would be beneficial to comprehending facets of organizational consultation processes, appropriate techniques and methods, and evaluation processes to efficiently provide the client with services requested. 
Consulting Theories and Evidence
Theories are often the basis of how consultants work. Consulting theories aid in identifying concepts that would be beneficial during the process of consultation. The client’s consultation is to identify methods that would aid in a smooth transition of new processes within the Marketing department which consist of parents and healthcare professionals. Consulting theories can provide a consultant with a better understanding of the client and individual’s involved in the process. Through various consulting theories, two theories that can aid in the client’s specific need positive psychology oriented consulting and Adlerian theory will focus on providing the encouragement, support, and understanding of the individuals that are going through the process of departmental change.
Positive Psychology Oriented Consulting
Positive psychology oriented consulting is important within organizations regards organizations as macro contexts that shape positive stages and positive outcomes for individuals, groups, and whole organizations (Hefferon & Boniwell, 2011). Positive psychology promotes positive organizational behavior that focuses on developing positive psychological states that enhance performance (Hefferon & Boniwell, 2011). Positive organizations practice positive methods and incorporate positive activities. These methods and activities allow for employee's to be open towards job variety, confidence, creativity, team building, developing strengths, and understand how to set clear goals, accept feedback, and take on appropriate challenges (Hefferon & Boniwell, 2011).
Implementing positive psychology is an essential role in transitioning change within the organization. Positive psychology will aid in integrating a vision, endorse strategy, then guide and coordinate the process by which the strategy will be implemented. Changes within departments involve a process of experimentation and learning, because it is impossible to anticipate all the problems or to prepare detailed plans for how to carry out all aspects of the change (Baligh, Burton, Obel, 1996). The Marketing department consists primarily of parents and healthcare professionals and encouraging them through the change process implements support and strengthens the ability to change within the department.
Positive psychology psychological underpinnings present a clearer and theoretical perspective. The application of psychological consultation of positive psychology focuses on the strengths of the client and the employee's. Application of this theory will acknowledge what is good about the departmental change and create a vision to perceive a sense of purpose and strategies to achieve this purpose (Baligh, Burton, Obel, 1996). Positive psychology would outline the client and employee's strengths regardless of weakness and present an opportunity for fulfillment, growth, and success through developmental processes and application.
Adlerian Theory
Adlerian consulting focuses on the components of individual psychology. Use of Adlerian consulting asks clients to identify behaviors or traits they find more appropriate and desirable, this provide the client and employees with techniques and opportunities to try their desired behavior or trait (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2012). Adlerian consulting is appropriate in training programs for pre-service and in service for use in consulting within organizations. Adlerian consulting concepts can be applied to programs that can beneficial for client and can provide information for consulting. Adlerian consulting can aid in clients creating new images for themselves by viewing his or her past, present, and future goals (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2012). Adlerian consulting identifies the needs, strengths, and goals of the client in order to encourage growth and positive change. Adler's theory emphasis on healthy relationships and recognition of the links between employee well -being and organizational effectiveness. Adlerian consulting works with organizations to help them identify and address specific issues, strategies, efficiency, team building, and workplace growth (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2012).
Implementation of the Adlerian theory promotes growth and full potential of the employees. It presents a sense of belonging, contribution, equality, and cooperation. The employees affected by the departmental change would feel value and significant, this implementation is vital because changes within an organization can present stress and be painful for some employees. Adlerian theory will allow for implementation of diverse perspectives and leadership behaviors of motivation, support, and guidance.
The psychological underpinnings of Adlerian theory can be useful for work with diverse characteristics and personalities. According to Feist and Feist (2009) defining characteristics within an organizational change can give employees a feeling of oneness with all, and as a member of a larger whole within the organization, a sense of empathy and concern for others all through the cooperation of change. Individual characteristics and personalities could present positive or negative outcomes and applying psychological consulting applications, such as Adlerian theory could aid in reducing or diminishing concerns for overwhelmed employees.
Compare and Contrast
            Positive psychology and Adlerian theory both possess strengths and limitation within the aid of the process of organizational change. The client is seeking aid within the Marketing department to smoothly transition its employees in the process of implementing new processes positively and in a pro-active way. Each theory of consultation present basis of evidence that allows for the client and consultant to comprehend to the methods necessary to efficiently and effectively follow through requested processes. Positive psychology basis of evidence lay focus on areas of study and practice that emphasize positive emotions, positive traits, and positive institutions. Positive emotions consist of contentment, happiness, and hope for future outcomes. Positive traits consist of resilience, self -knowledge, and creativity. Positive institutions consist of community interactions within organizations that can benefit through the tools of positive psychology.
            Positively psychology strengths recognizes that over the years there are many positive constructs in organizational development that positively reinforce structure, procedure development, commitment, and prosocial behavior. Positive psychology theory-building processes of research attempt to address new and relatively unique workplace psychological resources (Youssef & Luthans, 2007). Through the strengths of positive psychology the client’s request for smooth transition will not only be managed in a pro-active way but will also produce a more resilient, self-managing, and co-operative unit. The limitations of positive psychology is its failure to equally address the weaknesses of an individual or group (Held, 2004). Positive psychology emphasizes positive methods and perceptions in order to encourage a more positive environment. This theory does not fully address negative attitudes that could come into play. Some employees could feel bad about the new work situation and cannot manage to transcend their negative attitude no matter what and end up feeling worse, guilty or defective to the current situation (Held, 2004).
            In comparison to positive psychology, Adlerian theory possess many strengths, such as its ability to be applied to diverse situations, including the concept of encouragement amongst the client and consultant during the process of consultation. Adlerian theory addresses individual goal directed characteristics and the need to finding success, fulfillment, and meaning within work environments. Adlerian theory encourages positive characteristics and behavior amongst individuals. Positive characteristics and behaviors promote positive outcomes during the process of departmental change and can be viewed through the employees as support and guidance during this process. Adlerian theory assumes an individual's characteristics and behavior.  Adlerian theory limitations fail to provide empirical support for Adlerian concepts and approaches in reference to individual organizational developmental processes (Ivey et. al., 2007). In contrast to positive psychology, Adlerian theory has its limitations but the benefits of implementing many of the concepts in reference to individual development and psychological process within an organization outweigh its limitations (Ivey et. al., 2007).
Synthesis of Consulting Theories
            Positive psychology and Adlerian theory both focus on processes that integrates effective key concepts into the departmental process of transitioning new processes. Positive psychology and Adlerian theory each emphasize concepts of encouragement, creativity, growth, and developing strengths. These approaches helps provide a set of guidelines to abide by for actions through the implementation of each through the process of helping a client with departmental changes. The set of guidelines create a view of the need for change, these set of guidelines considers the client and those who are involved in the process. The set of guidelines includes, informed progress of change, demonstrate optimism and commitment to change, prepare those involved in change, provide support, and identify essential roles through the change.
            Informed progress of change helps communicate what steps have been initiated, what changes have been completed, and what improvements have occurred in performance. The process of change can have diverse effects on individuals and can cause anxiety and stress. It is important to keep the client and employees informed on the process and open communication (Yukl, 2009). Providing optimism and commitment to change endorses dedication and guarantee through to the end of the process. Change process can encounter various setbacks and sacrifices and it is vital for the employees to understand that the consultant and client are committed to the process (Yukl, 2009). Preparing the employees for the process of change can consist of training, stress management, and how to adjust to the new changes being implemented. Changes within a department can overwhelm some, providing methods and preparing for change can help employees to cope. Providing support and identifying essential roles is to identify employees who support is necessary to make the change within the department happen smoothly (Yukl, 2009). This guideline assess key employees who would valuable to successfully implementing the new departmental processes. Support helps obtain confidence of the employees and prepare employees to undertake the activities necessary for the change (Yukl, 2009).
Evaluation of Consulting Project
            Evaluation process involves looking at the client, the employees, gathering information about the current situation with the Marketing department, and preferences of the transition the client is seeking help for. The consultant is responsible for analyzing the situation and figuring out a method suitable to carry out the client’s request. The process of the consultation involves meeting members of the Marketing department, observing interactions, and developing a practical solution that would implement a smooth transition into new departmental processes.  As part of the consultation process, employee individual profiles were assessed and group sessions were attended to reflect self -management, teamwork, communication, and managing change. Diverse applications was used in order to gain a clearer picture between the consultant, the client, and the employees involved. Applications used consisted of activities that focused encouragement and review sessions that allowed for reflection and strategic plans to be developed.
            The evaluation identified employees, such as the parents and healthcare professionals whose support was essential within the process of transition. Communication between the consultant, client, and employees involved an explanation the process and prepared the employee’s for change and set a clear vision of the benefits to be gained during the process.  Possible approaches to evaluating this case study included Systematic consulting approach and Gestalt theory.
Systematic approach determines a system, which is independent of the concrete elements, such as concepts and principles of the organization, and provides a basis for unification (Campbell & Huffington, 2008). Systems concepts include system-environment boundary, input, output, process, goal directedness, and information. This approach looks at the whole in which the client, employees or situation is part of. This approach utilizes tools that include resolving team dynamic, evaluating options, individual development, and communication tactics (Campbell & Huffington, 2008). The strength in the approach lies in its ability to identify many possible meanings from which to construct an understanding of what is going on, how best to intervene. Its weakness is that it does not encourage individuals to develop a view of change from one opposition and continually generate new meanings leaving room for delayed reactions to opportunity (Campbell & Huffington, 2008).
Gestalt approach focuses on personal development and growth. This approach perceives a system capable of handling various situations through awareness and drive. Individuals create subjective meaning of his or her experiences and explore how one has become aware of these experiences (Bednarova, 2009). Strengths of Gestalt approach is that it addresses situations an individual or group might be facing and allow the individual to develop a method that aids in dealing with new challenges and create a positive outlook. This approach allows an individual to become aware of responsibility and self-awareness (Bednarova, 2009). The weaknesses of Gestalt approach is the appropriateness of individual awareness, such as an individual lacks the ability to recognize awareness of self and is unable to cope with the challenges of change (Bednarova, 2009). Gestalt approach pushes for self-awareness and emphasizes recognition for negative perceptions. An individual that lacks the ability to recognize his or her negativity through the process of the Gestalt approach can experience stress, depression, and are unaware of his or her faults in the situation (Bednarova, 2009).

Baligh, H. H., Burton, R. M., & Obel, B. (1996). Organizational consultant: Creating a useable theory for organizational design. Management Science, 42(12). 1648-1662 DOI:
Campbell, D., & Huffington, C. (Eds.). (2008). Organizations connected: A handbook of systemic consultation. Karnac Books.
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Sommers-Flanagan, J. & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2012). Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice study guide (2nd) Ed. Somerset, NJ: Wiley
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