Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Visions, Goals, and Actions towards a Career in Psychology

Goal setting and developing an action plan is difficult without first forth seeing through a vision. A vision is where you can see yourself and where you want to be within the near future. Goal setting allows you to put forth that vision perceived and developing an action plan allows you to set a clear and concise set of steps in order to achieve your vision. Becoming an academic and psychology professional it is useful to visualize, set goals, and write out an action plan that will aid through the process of achieving. Through visualizing, setting goals, and developing action plans; competences, requirements, and responsibilities play an important factor in accomplishing the goal of becoming an academic and psychology professional.
Visions, Goals, and Actions towards a Career in Psychology
Obtaining a career in Industrial and Organizational psychology takes a vision, goal setting, and development of an action plan. Becoming a professional is focusing and understanding the drive, perseverance, and persistence it takes in order to accomplish such a task. This document will discuss the evolution of my vision and goals while attending Capella University and my first course “Orientation to Graduate Learning in Psychology.” This document will also discuss competencies, requirements, and responsibilities as an academic learner and professional within the I/O field as well as a view of my action plan to achieving my vision and goals.
Vision and Goals
Through my time here at Capella University and within this course I have created a clearer vision and developed more direct goals to accomplish. Before starting this course I had a vision of attending a school and taking the steps to accomplish a degree in I/O psychology. When I took the step to applying and starting my first class, I wasn’t sure if I was pursuing my vision and goals correctly. I wasn't sure because I thought I didn’t have enough experience and knowledge to understand the process. As the weeks have progress I have developed more confidence in knowing I am on the right track and have become more knowledge on the process it takes to achieving my vision and goals.
To have a vision, is the ability to view how my life will be in the near future.  My goals are strategic according to how I see my future. Creating a vision forces the need to identify where I want to be and where I see myself and set goals that are worth the risk taking (Block, 1988). My vision is clear, purposeful, and meaningful towards my academic and professional life, as well as my personal life. Through my vision I have seen myself as a graduate professional helping others within their organizations to find structure, purpose, and understanding of the employees. My vision has given strength to set forth goals that are achievable and reflects how I see my future.
The evolution of my vision and goals while attending this course has given me the opportunity to strategize a clearer vision and develop measurable goals. Having a clearer vision is viewing me as a graduate within the next five to seven years also obtaining professional and academic resources to aid within my journey. My vision also includes volunteering within organization, communities, and schools and eventually working within an organization that specializes in organizational structuring.
My goals are based according to my vision. I have been able to set measurable and achievable goals that have purpose. My measurable goals that are achievable are attending a school that helps me focus on my career choice of I/O psychology and provide the resources to gain competence within the field. My time frame of five to seven years gives me time to network within the field of I/O psychology, join organizations such as the SIOP, and look for positions available within organizations according to my skill sets and education.
Competencies and Requirements
To see my vision through and to accomplish my goals, I understand that there are specific competencies, requirements and responsibilities necessary and vital within my process. My goals outline competencies, requirements, and responsibilities necessary to becoming a graduate and professional within the I/O psychology field.
Competencies refer to my knowledge, skills, and abilities to becoming a successful graduate and professional.  My knowledge, skills, and abilities will stem from academic learning and training. Through my academics I will become more knowledgeable in comprehending, analyzing, and evaluating my readings, writings, tests and measurements, time management, researching, and goal setting. I will be further skilled at decision making, problem solving, communication (e.g. verbal and written), and critical thinking.  My competencies as a professional I will be able to better observe and evaluate throughout my practice, apply learned and developed skills and abilities of organization and employee development, planning, and assessing.
Requirements to successfully graduate and become a professional I/O psychologist, requires developing an academic plan best fit for my academic goal. My academic requirement is attending Capella University Master’s I/O psychology program and the Ph.D. I/O program; I will apply my knowledge, developed skills and abilities throughout the program. Once I have received my Ph.D. I will seek out work that will allow me to move forward with the necessary steps to gaining my license.
According to "Department Of State: Division of Professional Regulation: Board of Examiners of Psychologists" (2013), in order to get licensed an applicant must complete 1500 hours of supervised time and have supervisor submit a Supervisory Reference form. Then I must submit a completed, signed, and notarized application for psychologist licensure by examination, and enclose non-refundable processing fee.  I must also complete the Criminal History Record Check Authorization for state and federal criminal background check and arrange for the Board office to receive an official transcript showing I have earned a doctoral degree from a psychological studies program specifically designed to train and prepare psychologist (APA accredited) (Psychology Licensure by Examination, 2013). After doing all the necessary paperwork and requirements and getting approved to take the examination, I can then focus on passing the examination and receiving my Delaware Psychologist License.
Responsibilities require me to act and practice ethically academically and professionally. My responsibilities academically are to pay attention and to comprehend to the information and skills provided. It is my responsibility to adhere to Capella University rules and regulations, practice academic honesty and integrity, turn all assignments in on time and participate in discussions. Professionally it is my responsibility to gain credibility by applying principles, laws, and procedures within my practice. I have the responsibility of earning trust, show competence, practice privacy and confidentiality, maintain record keeping, and always practice integrity, honesty, just, and show respect for other’s rights and dignity.  My responsibilities academically and professionally are practice throughout my accomplished goals past, present, and future.
Action Plan
An action plan is a written plan that lists activity steps that are realistic, measurable, and attainable. Action plans identify clear responsibilities and develop a specific time schedule for completing activities, also identifies resources necessary to complete activities. Having an action plan allows me to become more excited in knowing that every day I come closer to completing my vision and goals. According to Freita and Higgins (2002) performing actions that help meet goals are enjoyable. Action plans increase reasons for engaging in an activity that is goal specific. More progress equals satisfaction when realizing day -to -day goals help meet important short -term and long -term visions (Freita and Higgins, 2002).
            My action plan is based around the steps and time I need in order to fulfill my academic and professional obligations. As time goes on I know I will have to tweak my action plan because of possible obstacles and life hurdles. My action plan currently consists of seven steps focused on academic and professional practices. First, complete the Master's I/O psychology and leadership and coaching program; second, gain additional training and volunteer opportunities within current community; third, join the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologist; fourth, complete PhD I/O psychology program; fifth, Work within an organization to gain necessary credit hours to obtain my license as a professional psychologist; sixth,  Take necessary steps to get approved and take examination for licensure; and finally, Pass exam and become a practicing professional I/O psychologist.

            A vision, goal setting, and developing an action each play major factors in accomplishing an academic and professional career as a psychologist. My vision is to successfully finish Capella Master’s and Ph.D. program in I/O psychology, gain networking and professional resources, and become licensed within the State of Delaware. As an academic learner and future I/O psychologist I understand the importance of viewing my future and setting a plan in action in order to achieve my goals. I also understand and comprehend the importance of knowing my competences, requirements to achieve my initial goals, and responsibilities as both an academic learner and professional.
Block, P. (1988). The empowered manager (pp. 327-351). San Francisco, CA Jossey –Bass
Department of State: Division of Professional Regulation: Board of Examiners of Psychologist. (2013). Retrieved from
Freitas, A. L. & Higgins, E. T. (2002). Enjoying goal –directed action: The role of regulatory fit. Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell), 13(1), 1-6. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9280.00401

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